In response to Chapter 2 of SuperMedia and Elizabeth’s post, it was clear that the focus was on the continual evolution taking place within journalism. This chapter and the post look at the larger context of journalism and the fact is has experienced major shifts throughout history, even from the “coffeehouse to the newsroom”. Now however, the shift is to networked journalism and citizen reporting, which the chapter quotes Jeff Jarvis as saying, “The more journalists behave like citizens, the stronger their journalism will be.”
The example of this occurring currently that immediately came to mind for me was the recently unveiled HuffPost College, connected to The Huffington Post, a blog that we frequently discuss and examine in class. HuffPost College will be, as Ariana Huffington writes in a blog posted yesterday: “HuffPost College features voices from colleges and universities all around the country and offers a real-time snapshot of what's going on in the lives of the nation's 19 million college students -- from coverage of the latest trends and sports happenings to more serious issues such as freedom of expression on campus and the rising cost of tuition.”
The innovative blog was launched with an article featuring different faces and signs of college kids that are in debt. This is an incredible example of the moving forward capabilities of journalism discussed in Elizabeth’s post and Chapter 2. This post integrates a look at various college students in debt, as well as the ability to post your own personal story of debt in college. This kind of citizen journalism is an example of how networked journalism is different from the past. Ariana recognizes that there are a myriad of college newspapers across the country, and on this section of the Huffington Post will bridge the gap between kids and what they are commonly experiencing on their campuses.
Lastly, the post and the chapter mention the issue of trust, and I believe HuffPost College has the potential to build up trust again in the area of college journalism. This trust comes from the constant refinement of news and shining light on issues where there is not just one source in control on the issues. HuffPost College will be an incredible avenue for college students to come together across the country on common issues, discussion, and journalism.
Thanks Bianca. This is a great example. I didn't have a chance to read it before class...