Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Sarah Palin joins FOX News- 2 Perspectives.

I found two articles discussing Sarah Palin's decision to join the FOX News Network. The two articles come from CNN and FOX respectively. While everyone is aware of the bias of each network, it is still interesting to see how each network framed the story. From the first sentence of each article you can see how the story is going to be framed.
Fox news starts by saying "2008 Republican vice president nominee Sarah Palin is joining Fox News as a contributor." CNN starts the article by saying "One time Republican vice president candidate Sarah Palin may have sent a clear message to the politicial world, analysts say, by signing a deal to become a TV commentator." The fact CNN says "One time nominee" already frames the story as against Sarah Palin. The CNN article continues by commenting on the fact Sarah Palin quit as Governor of Alaska, joking that she better not quit this job as well. CNN also frames the story throughout by noting that "Palin is hardly alone in top Republicans turned TV talking heads."
The FOX article on the other hand, focuses strictly on Palin. The article identifies Palin's career achievements, and gives details about what programs Palin will be participating in on FOX. The beginning of this piece notes that Palin's book is consistently on the New York Times bestseller list, validating her reputation. Additionally, CNN quoted a Democratic Analysis, while FOX quoted Sarah Palin herself.
Regardless on what your stance is on this issue, I think we can all agree that the framing of these two stories was done with intent to divulge the story with each network's characteristic beliefs in mind.

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